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1 Rookie


2 Posts


May 9th, 2024 13:37

iDrac 9 virtual console not available under Express license

Hello all, 

 I'm hoping someone else has gone through this setup and is willing to lend a hand.

As I understand it, the express license should be able to offer virtual console as long as it's configured to not use the dedicated iDrac port. 
 I have a 4-port ethernet card; my iDrac connection is configured for LOM1, and my main server connection is on interface 2. 
I can connect to iDrac using the IP that I've assigned, but the virtual console option is unavailable. 

Has anyone gotten around this? 

Hey, thanks for reading!


4 Operator


1.8K Posts

May 9th, 2024 14:31

I have to say sorry but youre wrong.  The virtual console was always a "Enterprise" Feature when speaking about Tower and Rack Server.  The Blade systems where different and there the Console/Virtual Media was part of the Express.

Check out


1 Rookie


2 Posts

May 14th, 2024 14:59

I REALLY appreciate your reply! At least I can stop banging my head!

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